“唯有好的功能性酒杯,才能充分的将酒的香气与味道完整传递展现出来。”Claus Riedel在1950年代后期成为史上首位研究功能性酒杯的发明者,被视为现代酒杯之父,功能性酒杯将酒的香气、口感、平衡感、馀韵完美传递到人体的感官。依据每款葡萄品种不同特性的基础理论,量身设计相对应适用的杯型,推出针对葡萄品种特定杯型的酒杯设计概念。
The story begins in 1756 in Bohemia and continues right down to the united Europe of today, taking in on the way some of the most dramatic events in European history. Tradition and innovation - the Riedel company can proudly look back on its 250-year success story. From its beginnings in northern Bohemia down to this day, for 11 generations (for now) Riedel Glass has stood for the high art of glassmaking.
The story begins in 1756 in Bohemia and continues right down to the united Europe of today, taking in on the way some of the most dramatic events in European history. Tradition and innovation - the Riedel company can proudly look back on its 250-year success story. From its beginnings in northern Bohemia down to this day, for 11 generations (for now) Riedel Glass has stood for the high art of glassmaking.