Emile Henry, born in 1885, left for the war in 1914. in 1922,he took over as Managing Director, and struggled for the next 30 years to keep the company goung through difficult times. Competition from metallic containers became stronger, and many French potteries went out of business. This was the beginning of mechanisation, and the company employed 50 people.
It was time for Maurice to take over the management of the company at 32 years old. Production grew from 1000 to 5000 tons over 15 years. Modern kilns reduced the firing time from 30 to 3 hours. It was the beginning of export towards Great Britain, Denmark and Australia. 200 people were employed by the company.
Apres 5 ans de recherche, Flame voit le jour. Cest la premiere poterie pouvant etre utilisee directement sur le gaz ou la plaque electrique. Ce materiau se fera connaltre d abord sous la forme d un tajine, puis d une cocotte, d un moule a tarte tatin...
After 5 years of research, Flame was launched on the market. This was first ceramic to be used directly on the gas or electric hob. This special clay first became known through the Tagine, followed by stewpots, a Tarte Tatin dish...